ABC's Diane Macedo, Author of 'The Sleep Fix'

Diane Macedo's first book, The Sleep Fix, officially came out today, and we were fortunate to grab some time. (You can win a copy of The Sleep Fix by clicking here.) Diane points out that she and Neil are kind of kindred sleep spirits. They both figured that their sleep challenges were linked to their careers in the media. In Diane's case, Ambien stopped working. Her health was declining. She tried everything. However, relief was coming. Diane the insomniac tackled the problem like Diane Macedo the journalist would - by talking to the world's leading sleep researchers, learning the science, and searching for the truth.

What makes The Sleep Fix an important book isn't all the sleep science. (The book is full of sleep science.) Diane's book stands out because it's not written by a scientist. She wrote the book as a layperson, for a layperson.

Our own search for sleep hacks from celebrities and high achievers doesn't end with Diane Macedo. December 28th, we're excited to welcome Lawrence Gowan, keyboard player and one of the front men for the legendary rock band, Styx. Lawrence talks about the sleep trick he's been using for decades. It has him sleeping like a baby - on the tour bus.

Next week, another new episode of The Snooze Button podcast, featuring a panel discussion with a team of experts. We'll tackle the occasionally awkward subject of whether sex is an effective sleep aid. Afterward, we'll talk to an Australian researcher looking into that exact subject. In addition, you'll find the genesis of the whole topic in Neil's discussion with Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett.

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Neil Hedley

Neil Hedley spent three decades helping people wake up as a morning radio host. Now, he's trying to help them sleep, after battling insomnia since the age of six. Neil is also a bestselling author, television personality, and runs a podcast production facility and advertising & content creation company on Vancouver Island.

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