Sleep, Exercise and Your Immune System

Dr. Jenni Pottebaum's perspective on the relationship between sleep, exercise and the immune system is a result of her PhD in Neuroscience AND her certification as a personal trainer and Ironman-certified triathlon coaching.

As the world struggles to cope with COVID-19, Neil and Dr. Jenni explore simple things you can do to boost your defenses.

Plus, we take a listener call from Heidi in Toronto, share a review of the show, and share news about our sister podcast, The Snooze Button Express.


Dr. Jenni's website

Dr. Jenni on Facebook

Dr. Jenni on Instagram

Your Host
KNOPP Studios

Neil Hedley

Neil Hedley spent three decades helping people wake up as a morning radio host. Now, he's trying to help them sleep, after battling insomnia since the age of six. Neil is also a bestselling author, television personality, and runs a podcast production facility and advertising & content creation company on Vancouver Island.